
授業コード   Course Code 12H1561201
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name I1102Japanese Arts and Culture2
テーマ   Theme Modern sumi-e painting(2)
科目名   Name of Subject I1102Japanese Arts and Culture2
English Name of Subject
Japanese Arts and Culture 2
科目単位数   Credit 2
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher 土方 淳代
開講キャンパス   Campus 白金
曜時   Day and Period 木曜4時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description Have you ever seen “Sumi-e”, a black-and-white painting?
This is a hands-on course designed for both international and regular students to learn more about Japanese culture by focusing on Sumi-e, which is one of the Japanese traditional arts and you can experience that art form in this course. The important things in Sumi-e are to capture the essence of the subject and to express your emotions on a sheet of paper. Even if everyone paints the same subject, none of the paintings would look the same. By the end of the course, you will see the importance of having various points of view and various ways of expression, and have this art form as one of your ways to express yourself.
Enjoy this simple but profound world of Sumi-e, and get more familiar with Japanese culture.
到達目標   Class Goals You will be painting subjects according to a theme given in each class and learn various expressions using just one kind of ink, sumi. As a final project, you will choose your subject and the class exhibition will be held for a week at the end of the semester.
One of the goals is not to make a "good” painting but a "unique" painting. Since this class consists of students with various cultural backgrounds, it will be a great opportunity for you to widen your perspectives, and gain a new way of expressing yourself.
授業言語   Language 日本語+英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Introduction: Class guidance, the First Step in Sumi-e painting
The description on what sumi-e painting is, and how the course will be conducted.
The actual painting will start in this first class. We will start from the very beginning like how to hold a brush and how to make sumi ink. A set of sumi-e tools will be handed to everyone during this class.
Preparation for Class
Look up some examples of sumi-e painting and get an image of what kind of art form you will be learning from this course. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
You may take the painting tools home, so try to get used to making the sumi ink and painting different types of brushstrokes. 目安時間
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Three tones of black: Bamboo
Using the three tones of black and the brushstrokes we learned in the last class, we will paint bamboo as a subject. Get used to using three tones of black in one brushstroke. For those who already painted bamboo in the last semester, an advanced version of bamboo painting will be the subject.
Preparation for Class
Look up some images of bamboo and try to make ink and paint some brushstrokes we did in the first class and get used to the flexibility of the brush. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Practice again the parts you didn't feel comfortable with during the class. The brushstrokes used in this subject will be the basics of sumi-e painting. 目安時間
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Field Trip: Visit Sumi-e Exhibition at Ueno
We will visit a Sumi-e Exhibition held at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Ueno.
See the sumi-e paintings of the present days and look for styles and subjects you like. And think about how they are painted and how you can adapt them to your painting.
Preparation for Class
Think about what kind of things you want to learn from others' works. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Summarize the styles, subjects, or any other things you had an interest in those sumi-e works and try to practice those with your brush. 目安時間
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Expressing texture: Animal
Softness, hardness, fluffiness, sharpness, and there are many more expressions for texture. Try to show those expressions by using different types of brushstrokes and shading. Also, try to show that it is alive.
Preparation for Class
Think about how you can use a brush to show different textures. The darkness of sumi ink, the amount of ink on the brush, and the speed you move the brush may make a difference. Please try many kinds of brushstrokes. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Brush up the painting you have done in class or paint another living thing and try different expressions a brush. 目安時間
2 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Exaggeration: Plant
By changing your pressure on a brush, create brushstrokes with various widths. Try to exaggerate the figure of the subject and create a strong impression of the characteristics of the subject.
Preparation for Class
Find a vegetable or a fruit with an interesting figure and think about how you can express its characteristic with brushstrokes. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Practice various brushstrokes and get used to how much pressure you will need to put on a brush to paint brushstrokes with the width you want. 目安時間
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Various materials and Dosa: Using tools other than brush
Find new expressions by using various materials. Spray bottles, sticks, other kinds of brushes, sponges, and many other things will be ready in class. Find how you can use them and think about what could be expressed by those materials. Also, we will learn how to use a new material called DOSA liquid, which repels sumi ink so that you can keep a white part within a black part.
Preparation for Class
Look for any materials which could be used with sumi ink. It doesn't have to be things that are related to painting. Look around and if you feel something that might be interesting to paint with, give it a try. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Paint several free expressions on some sheets of paper and think about what kind of subject will go well with that background. 目安時間
2 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
Final project: Decide your subject
You will start painting your subject which will be displayed at the exhibition held at the end of the semester. Paint all the choices you brought to the class and decide which one you would like to paint for your last piece of work.
Preparation for Class
Look for several subjects you would like to paint for your last work. Those could be actual things, photographs, or sketches. Choose a subject that you "want" to paint, because you need to have some emotions toward that subject and a theme that you want to tell through your painting. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Think about what kind of impression you would like to create, and how you can express your theme through that painting. Also, think about where the focal point would be. 目安時間
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Final project: Practice and Composition
Paint your subject in various ways. Changing the angle, changing the size of the focal point, and changing the darkness and texture with various materials then decide the composition of your painting.
Preparation for Class
Have some images of which kind of materials would go well with your subject and try to have a rough drawing. Think about whether you will need to paint a background. If so, think about what kind of materials would work to express what's on your mind and try to experiment on your practice paper. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Decide which expression would be adapted to your work and keep practicing. 目安時間
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Final project: Practice and start painting on washi paper
When you are ready to move on to washi paper, you will get two sheets of washi paper. You can paint your subject in two ways or paint the same thing on both and choose the one you like for the exhibition.
Preparation for Class
Keep practicing and try to find a better way to express your theme. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
You can take tools and paper home to do the painting. Think how you can paint your subject in the way you want. 目安時間
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
Final project: Finish up your work
Ask for advice from others and take your time to find out what is needed. Then, finish up your work.
Preparation for Class
Keep practicing and try to find a better way to express your theme. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
If you can't finish your painting during the class, complete it before the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Frame & Name seal
Put your work on a wooden panel to make it displayable. Make a name seal using an eraser.
Preparation for Class
Think about where to cut your painting because the size of your painting is bigger than the wooden panel. The impression of the painting would be affected by the location of your focal point. Also, pick one or two letters that represent your name for the name seal. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
If you can't finish up your name seal during the class, complete it before the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Preparation of Exhibition
Put your name seal on your work, write a title card, and tie a string on the back of the work. We will set up the exhibition in the cafeteria.
Preparation for Class
Think of a title for your painting. A title influences the impression of a painting, so it should be something that expresses the theme of the painting. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Try the name seal on your other paintings and see the difference it makes. Its size, shape, character fonts, ink colors, and place to stamp your seal change the impression of your painting. 目安時間
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Use color with sumi ink
Apply one or two colors in your sumi-e painting. Decide your focal point and use colors as well as various kinds of materials. Think about which color would go well with your painting and how you can use colors effectively to create the expression you want.
Preparation for Class
Think about what kind of subject you want to paint with sumi and colors. Too many colors might be too strong in the painting. Think how you can blend colors in a sumi-e painting and what kind of atmosphere you want to express with those colors. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Brush up the painting you have done in class or find another subject to practice the expression using colors. 目安時間
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
Clean up the exhibition first, then give a presentation on your work. (International students: in Japanese, as much as you can. Regular students: in English.)
Preparation for Class
Prepare to give a presentation on your painting. The presentation should include your theme, how you expressed it, the technique you used, the part you paid the most effort for, and so on. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Be proud of your work and keep in mind that there are many ways of expression and various perspectives to explain things to others. 目安時間
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Class Summary and feedback on the final paintings
A file on class summary will be posted on manaba. During the designated period, take a look at the file and go through what we have learned this semester.
Preparation for Class
Look back at the work you created in class and review what could have been done better, what you liked about it, etc. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Think what you would like to paint if you were to have another chance to do the sumi-e painting. Keep in mind that it is very important to have a way to express your emotions so always look for something you like and keep a way to express your feelings. 目安時間
2 時間
Remarks for Class
A set of Sumi-e tools are provided in class. The class will be basically conducted in English. The class will be limited to around 20 students.
教科書   Texts Course materials will be provided in class.
参考書   Reference Books Course materials will be provided in class.
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation will be based on (1) submission of works in class 40%, (2) final work and presentation 40%, and (3) class participation 20%. The final work must be completed and a presentation on your work has to be done at the end of the semester. Art skills will not be graded.
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes Any experience in painting or knowledge in art is not required, but you need to have the willingness to try something new. All you need is curiosity.
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年03月19日 15時00分30秒