
授業コード   Course Code 2120094101
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name E2404英語研究2B
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject E2404英語研究2B
English Name of Subject
Studies in English 2B
科目単位数   Credit 2
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher NAKAMURA HOFSTEE Stephen Howard
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 金曜3時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking
This listening, speaking, and critical thinking is designed to help improve their language skills while exploring interesting topics such as conservation, innovation, music, and urban planning. Our focus will be on building your vocabulary, developing listening skills, and strengthening your ability to communicate effectively in English.
Throughout the semester, you will engage in a variety of activities and assignments that will challenge your critical thinking skills and help you to develop your presentation skills. The course will encourage you to engage in discussions, debates, and group projects. By the end of this course, you will have a stronger understanding of the topics covered, as well as a better ability to communicate your ideas effectively in English.
Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to practice your speaking skills through informal presentations, which will be peer-assessed and used to give you feedback on your progress. You will also be encouraged to actively participate in class discussions, debates, and group projects, where you will have the chance to apply your newly acquired knowledge and practice your critical thinking skills.
This course is designed to be both challenging and rewarding. It will give you the opportunity to improve your English language skills, as well as deepen your understanding of important topics.
到達目標   Class Goals Develop listening skills in English through audio and video resources.
Improve speaking abilities through regular discussions and presentations on conservation, innovation, music, and urban planning and other topical issues.
Expand vocabulary knowledge and usage in English related to course content.
Enhance critical thinking skills through analysis of case studies and news articles.
Develop and practice presentation skills in English.
Improved ability to comprehend spoken English and participate in discussions and conversations.
Increased confidence and fluency in speaking English in both informal and formal settings.
Increased vocabulary knowledge and usage in the context of conservation, innovation, music, and urban planning.
Improved ability to analyze and evaluate information and make informed arguments.
Enhanced presentation skills in English, including effective organization, clear delivery, and audience engagement.
授業言語   Language 日本語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Course Overview
Course overview: An overview of the course content, objectives, and expectations for the semester.
- Syllabus and course materials: Detailed information about the syllabus, textbooks, and other required materials for the course.
- Grading policy: A clear explanation of the grading policy and the weight of various assignments and exams.
- Attendance and participation: Expectations for attendance and participation, including any policies on missed assignments or exams.
- Office hours and communication: Information on the instructor's office hours and preferred methods of communication, such as email or online discussion boards.
- Course schedule: A detailed schedule of topics, readings, and assignments for the semester.
- Learning outcomes: A clear statement of the learning outcomes for the course, including specific skills and knowledge that students should be able to demonstrate by the end of the semester.
- Course policies: Details about course policies, such as plagiarism, academic integrity, and accommodations for students with disabilities.
- Introduction to the instructor: A brief introduction of the instructor and their background, including research interests and areas of expertise.
Preparation for Class
Student may wish to prepare a short self introduction to give in class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the course description, objectives, grading, and teacher's requirements and prepare any questions for the next lesson.
Complete Homework 1 about gratitude
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Social Studies - Speaking and Critical Thinking
Students will be able to engage in discussions and debates with their peers using a variety of English language skills such as predicting, interpreting, and synthesizing.
Students will be able to express their opinions and ideas clearly and effectively, demonstrating their critical thinking skills.
Students will be able to participate in pair and small group work, practicing their speaking and listening skills and improving their fluency in English.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework about gratitude
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes - Listening by Watching a Video
Students will be able to understand and interpret the main ideas and details of a video in English.
Students will be able to use their listening skills to identify important information and make inferences based on what they hear.
Students will be able to reflect on their own understanding of the video and evaluate the information presented, demonstrating their ability to synthesize and personalize new information.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Ways to show appreciation - Informal Peer-Assessed Presentation
Students will be able to create and deliver an informal presentation on a given topic in English, demonstrating their speaking and presentation skills.
Students will be able to give and receive constructive feedback from their peers, improving their skills in presenting and evaluating information.
Students will be able to reflect on their own performance and assess their own progress, demonstrating their ability to infer and evaluate their own language skills.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework 2 about learning skills
2 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Education - Speaking and Critical Thinking
Students will be able to engage in discussions and debates with their peers using a variety of English language skills such as predicting, interpreting, and synthesizing.
Students will be able to express their opinions and ideas clearly and effectively, demonstrating their critical thinking skills.
Students will be able to participate in pair and small group work, practicing their speaking and listening skills and improving their fluency in English.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework 2 about learning skills
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
3 Rules to Spark Learning - Listening by Watching a Video
Students will be able to understand and interpret the main ideas and details of a video in English.
Students will be able to use their listening skills to identify important information and make inferences based on what they hear.
Students will be able to reflect on their own understanding of the video and evaluate the information presented, demonstrating their ability to synthesize and personalize new information.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
How we can get better at what we do - Informal Peer-Assessed Presentation
Students will be able to create and deliver an informal presentation on a given topic in English, demonstrating their speaking and presentation skills.
Students will be able to give and receive constructive feedback from their peers, improving their skills in presenting and evaluating information.
Students will be able to reflect on their own performance and assess their own progress, demonstrating their ability to infer and evaluate their own language skills.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework 3 about public spaces in cities
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Human Geography - Speaking and Critical Thinking
Students will be able to engage in discussions and debates with their peers using a variety of English language skills such as predicting, interpreting, and synthesizing.
Students will be able to express their opinions and ideas clearly and effectively, demonstrating their critical thinking skills.
Students will be able to participate in pair and small group work, practicing their speaking and listening skills and improving their fluency in English.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework about public spaces in cities
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
How to Reinvent the Apartment Building - Listening by Watching a Video
Students will be able to understand and interpret the main ideas and details of a video in English.
Students will be able to use their listening skills to identify important information and make inferences based on what they hear.
Students will be able to reflect on their own understanding of the video and evaluate the information presented, demonstrating their ability to synthesize and personalize new information.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
A proposal for creating a more livable city - Informal Peer-Assessed Presentation
Students will be able to create and deliver an informal presentation on a given topic in English, demonstrating their speaking and presentation skills.
Students will be able to give and receive constructive feedback from their peers, improving their skills in presenting and evaluating information.
Students will be able to reflect on their own performance and assess their own progress, demonstrating their ability to infer and evaluate their own language skills.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework 4 about the value of different personality types
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Sociology - Speaking and Critical Thinking
Students will be able to engage in discussions and debates with their peers using a variety of English language skills such as predicting, interpreting, and synthesizing.
Students will be able to express their opinions and ideas clearly and effectively, demonstrating their critical thinking skills.
Students will be able to participate in pair and small group work, practicing their speaking and listening skills and improving their fluency in English.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Complete Homework 4 about the value of different personality types
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Being a Responsible Researcher - Listening by Watching a Video
Students will be able to understand and interpret the main ideas and details of a video in English.
Students will be able to use their listening skills to identify important information and make inferences based on what they hear.
Students will be able to reflect on their own understanding of the video and evaluate the information presented, demonstrating their ability to synthesize and personalize new information.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
How to conduct research for a project - Informal Peer-Assessed Presentation
Students will be able to create and deliver an informal presentation on a given topic in English, demonstrating their speaking and presentation skills.
Students will be able to give and receive constructive feedback from their peers, improving their skills in presenting and evaluating information.
Students will be able to reflect on their own performance and assess their own progress, demonstrating their ability to infer and evaluate their own language skills.
Preparation for Class
Review the content of the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from it. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the content of the lesson and prepare any questions arising from it.
Prepare for the presentation.
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
Students give their presentations chosen from one of the following topics:
- social studies
- education
- human geography
- sociology
Students listen to their peers' presentations and evaluate them.
Preparation for Class
Prepare for your presentation. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Self-reflection on the presentation 目安時間
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Special Study Day - Online Learning Module
Students complete an online learning module as a review of the course content
Preparation for Class
Confirm access to the online module 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the course content. 目安時間
2 時間
Remarks for Class
- As 40% of the grade for this course comes from participation, students enrolling in this course will be required to actively participate in pair work and small-group work discussion.
- Successful students must complete all assignments, in addition to participation both in class and online to pass the course.
- There are four sets of homework for this course, each worth 10%, and each set of homework is expected to be completed in one week.
- Students are reminded that they need to pay attention to Meiji Gakuin University’s class attendance policy for this course.
- Feedback for this course will be provided by the teacher verbally during class, online through manaba or by email. Homework will be checked and graded, and feedback given automatically through manaba. Periodic updates on each student's grade condition will be provided by the teacher when considered required, or upon request.
教科書   Texts Baker, L., & Blass, L. (2023). 21st Century Communication: Listening, speaking, and critical thinking 1 (2nd edition). Boston: National Geographic Learning.
ISBN: 978-1-305-94592-0.
参考書   Reference Books N/A
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Grading Criteria and Weightings:
Attendance and Participation: 40%
- Participation is based on the student's level of engagement and participation in class discussions, group activities, and other in-class assignments.
Homework (4 sets of homework worth 10% each): 40%
- The homework will be done online through manaba or through the textbook publisher's online platform.
Presentation: 20%
- The presentations will be held in the final week of the course and will be peer-assessed.
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes Due to the nature of this class, accommodations related to COVID-19 infections will not be made.
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年03月19日 15時00分43秒