
授業コード   Course Code 2120095000
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name MGENG101英語コミュニケーション1A
テーマ   Theme 再履修用
科目名   Name of Subject MGENG101英語コミュニケーション1A
English Name of Subject
English Communication 1A
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
汎用的技能 多面的思考・判断力、コミュニケーション力
態度・志向性 多様性の尊重、他者貢献、自律的学習態度
科目単位数   Credit 1
履修期   Term 春学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher HIGUCHI Sonia M.
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 土曜2時限(春学期)
授業概要   Course Description This course focuses on conversation strategies that will promote your ability to discuss ideas, develop presentation skills, and debate about a variety of topics. You will conduct reading, listening, and vocabulary activities inside and outside of class and use the content for discussions in class. All four skills will be practiced in order to increase your confidence in communicating effectively in English.
到達目標   Class Goals The goal of this course is to help you develop the ability to express your opinions and ideas on a variety of topics. You will gain confidence and critical thinking skills by actively discussing the topics in pairs, small groups, and with the entire class. This course will also help you become autonomous English learners who can study independently.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Course orientation, instructor/student introductions
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Unit 1: Thank God I’m a country boy!
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Unit 1: Thank God I’m a country boy! (cont.)
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Unit 1: Thank God I’m a country boy! (cont.) – Prepare for Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Unit 2: Are you crazy?
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
Unit 2: Are you crazy? (cont.)
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Unit 2: Are you crazy? (cont.) – Prepare for Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
Unit 3: My favorite foods
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Unit 3: My favorite foods (cont.)
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Unit 3: My favorite foods (cont.) – Prepare for Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Unit Evaluation
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
End-of-semester In-class Test and Course Review
Preparation for Class
Each week your teacher will require you to do work outside of class. All of this work must be completely finished by the assigned deadlines in order to receive credit. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
You will be required to review the textbook, vocabulary, and materials after each class as each week builds on the same topic until your unit evaluation. Vocabulary is an important part of this class. You will be required to maintain a regular vocabulary study routine outside of class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Course Summary and Review (independent study)
Preparation for Class
Review the course content. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Review tests and scores. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Remarks for Class
You will need to prepare your homework before class so you can be ready to participate in class. This includes previewing the text/listening and vocabulary for the next lesson. Participation is a very important aspect of this course.
教科書   Texts Fast Forward to Fluency, Level 2. (Abax Publishing) ISBN: 978-1-78547-086-8. Available for purchase at MGU Seikyo. (Do not purchase used or old versions of the textbook.)
参考書   Reference Books Bring a dictionary to class every day. The instructor will also provide supplemental materials in class.
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Participation, homework, vocabulary, and independent study: 50%
Unit evaluations: 30%
End-of-semester in-class test: 20%
関連URL   Related URL http://www.quizlet.com
備考   Notes Attend class on time and participate in activities. Due to the nature of this class, accommodations related to COVID-19 infections will not be made. You need to attend more than 2/3 of classes in order to receive course credit.必ず初回のオリエンテーションに出席すること。2/3以上の出席がないと単位は修得できません。
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年02月19日 17時48分44秒