
授業コード   Course Code 2124200501
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name E2403英語研究2A
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject E2403英語研究2A
English Name of Subject
Studies in English 2A
科目単位数   Credit 2
履修期   Term 春学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher NAKAMURA HOFSTEE Stephen Howard
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 金曜2時限(春学期)
授業概要   Course Description Studies in Short Stories is a course that focuses on 20th century American short stories. In this course, we will delve into the works of six renowned writers – Sandra Cisneros, Raymond Carver, James Thurber, William Saroyan, Grace Paley, and John Collier.
Throughout the course, you will analyze the plots of these stories and develop your global and close comprehension skills. You will also engage in vocabulary work to help expand your understanding of the language used in these works. Additionally, you will participate in group discussions to help deepen your understanding of the ideas and contexts behind the stories.
In this course, we will examine the elements of fiction, including setting, characterization, plot, point of view, and theme. We will also look at the writing styles of these authors, including their use of language, tone, and imagery. Additionally, we will explore the cultural, historical, and political contexts in which these stories were written, and how they reflect the American experience of the 20th century.
This course will provide you with the opportunity to improve your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of 20th century American short stories, and the elements that make them unique and memorable.
到達目標   Class Goals Analyze plot structures and narrative techniques in short stories by the authors.
Develop close reading skills to understand the nuances of language and themes in the stories.
Build vocabulary through focused attention to words, phrases, and expressions specific to each author.
Engage in group discussions to analyze characters, themes, and plot developments.
Study the elements of fiction such as setting, characterization, dialogue, and point of view.
Explore writing styles of the authors and understand their influence on contemporary literature.
Develop critical thinking skills through close analysis of the ideas and contexts behind the stories.
Expand cultural knowledge through engagement with the diverse perspectives and experiences represented in the stories.
Improve oral and written communication skills through class discussions and writing assignments.
Foster an appreciation for short fiction and encourage students to read and analyze more works in the genre.
Enhance understanding of literary devices, including symbolism, imagery, and metaphor.
Create opportunities for students to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives through writing assignments and class discussions.
Encourage students to develop a personal connection to the stories and the authors and engage in informed discussions with others.
Provide a safe and inclusive learning environment that encourages open dialogue and active participation from all students.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Course Overview
Course overview: An overview of the course content, objectives, and expectations for the semester.
- Syllabus and course materials: Detailed information about the syllabus, textbooks, and other required materials for the course.
- Grading policy: A clear explanation of the grading policy and the weight of various assignments and exams.
- Attendance and participation: Expectations for attendance and participation, including any policies on missed assignments or exams.
- Office hours and communication: Information on the instructor's office hours and preferred methods of communication, such as email or online discussion boards.
- Course schedule: A detailed schedule of topics, readings, and assignments for the semester.
- Learning outcomes: A clear statement of the learning outcomes for the course, including specific skills and knowledge that students should be able to demonstrate by the end of the semester.
- Course policies: Details about course policies, such as plagiarism, academic integrity, and accommodations for students with disabilities.
- Introduction to the instructor: A brief introduction of the instructor and their background, including research interests and areas of expertise.
Preparation for Class
Students may wish to prepare a short self introduction to present verbally during the first class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the course description, objectives, grading and teacher's requirements, and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
The goal is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the elements of fiction and their role in crafting a compelling story.
Overview of what constitutes the elements of fiction
Introduction to the key terms and concepts used in the analysis of fiction
Class Discussion: Students analyze a short passage from a work of fiction to identify the characters, plot, setting, and theme
Summary, final thoughts, and questions of the key concepts and elements of fiction covered in the class
Preparation for Class
Prepare any questions arising from the review of the previous lesson to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the elements of fiction and the role these concepts play in creating a compelling story. Prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
No Speak English - Sandra Cisneros
Introduction to the short story “No Speak English” by Sandra Cisneros
Overview of the elements of fiction (characterization, plot, setting, theme)
Analysis of plot: Students will discuss the main events of the story and the themes that emerge from them.
Global comprehension: Students will read the story and summarize it in their own words.
Vocabulary work: Students will identify and define difficult words from the story.
Group discussions: Students will discuss their opinions and interpretations of the story.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the elements of fiction and the role these concepts play in creating a compelling story. Prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview No Speak English by Sandra Cisneros
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
No Speak English - Sandra Cisneros (continued)
Close comprehension: Students will read the story again and identify specific details, such as characterization and setting.
Writing styles: Students will analyze Cisneros’ writing style and how it contributes to the story’s themes.
Ideas behind the story: Students will discuss the cultural and social issues explored in the story.
Writing homework task:
Write a letter from the protagonist of “No Speak English” to a close friend or family member. The letter should reflect the protagonist’s experiences and feelings about living in a new country and adapting to a new culture.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 1
2 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Popular Mechanics - Raymond Carver
Introduction to Popular Mechanics
Introduction to the the short story, Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver. Overview of the author and the significance of his work in the literary world.
Plot analysis. Students will read the story and analyze the plot, character development, and themes.
Global and Close Comprehension. Students will read the story again and answer comprehension questions to improve their understanding of the story.
Vocabulary Work. Students will work on expanding their vocabulary by studying words and expressions from the story.
Group Discussions. Students will engage in group discussions to discuss their interpretations of the story, its themes, and the writing style.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Popular Mechanics - Raymond Carver (continued)
Elements of Fiction. Students will learn about the different elements of fiction, including plot, character, setting, and theme.
Writing Styles: Explore the writing styles of Raymond Carver, including his use of language, imagery, and themes.
Analysis of Popular Mechanics. Participants will analyze the elements of fiction in the story and explore the writing style of Raymond Carver.
Ideas Behind the Stories. Participants will discuss the ideas and motivations behind the story and the author's perspective.
Writing Homework Task: Write a short story about a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Use the themes and writing style of Raymond Carver to create a powerful and moving story.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 2
2 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
The Unicorn in the Garden - James Thurber
Introduction and warm-up activity
Introduction to The Unicorn in the Garden by James Thurber
Global comprehension exercise – students will answer questions about the story as a whole and make predictions about what might happen next
Vocabulary work – students will work in pairs to find and define 10 words from the story
Close comprehension exercise – students will read the story in detail and answer questions about specific sections
Wrap-up and discussion of what they learned
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview The Unicorn in the Garden by James Thurber
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
The Unicorn in the Garden - James Thurber (continued)
Analysis of the plot – students will work in groups to discuss the events in the story and identify the conflict, climax, and resolution
Analysis of the writing style – students will identify key elements of Thurber's style, such as humor and irony
Group discussion – students will discuss the ideas behind the story, including the message and the theme
Wrap-up and discussion of what they learned
Writing homework task: Create your own short story inspired by The Unicorn in the Garden. Think about the elements of fiction and writing style that you learned in class, and try to incorporate them into your own story.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 3
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse - William Saroyan
Introduction to the course and the author William Saroyan
Warm-up activity: Brainstorming session on summer memories
Presentation of The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse, its themes, and setting
Vocabulary work: Understanding the vocabulary used in the story and its meaning
Global comprehension: Discussing the main idea and events of the story
Close comprehension: Answering questions related to specific details in the story
Analyzing the plot: Discussing the story structure, conflict, and resolution
Group discussion: Analyzing the main characters and their motivations
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse by William Saroyan
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse - William Saroyan (continued)
Recap of the previous week's discussion and learning
Warm-up activity: Match the character to the description
Understanding the elements of fiction in The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
Analyzing the writing style: Discussing the author's use of language, tone, and mood
The ideas behind the story: Discussing the message or theme of the story
Group discussion: Interpretation of the story and its impact on the reader
Wrap-up: Reflection on what has been learned and any questions for clarification
Homework: Write a letter to a friend describing your favorite summer memory, using vocabulary learned in class and including elements of fiction writing style.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 4
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Samuel - Grace Paley
Introduction to the short story Samuel by Grace Paley
Group discussion: What do you know about Grace Paley and her writing style?
Global comprehension: Read the story and discuss the main themes and characters.
Plot analysis: Plot diagram and identifying the rising action, climax, and falling action.
Vocabulary work: Identifying and defining new words from the story.
Close comprehension: Identifying and discussing the symbols, metaphors, and imagery in the story.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview Samuel by Grace Paley
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Samuel - Grace Paley (continued)
Writing style analysis: Discussing the author’s use of language, tone, and point of view.
Ideas behind the story: Identifying and discussing the social, political, and cultural context of the story.
Group discussion: Discuss the character of Samuel and his motivations.
Character analysis: Identifying the protagonist, antagonist, and dynamic characters.
Writing homework task: Write a letter from Samuel to a friend, describing his life and experiences.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 5
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
The Chaser - John Collier
Introduction to The Chaser
Read and analyze the short story The Chaser by John Collier
Global comprehension questions
Close comprehension questions
Group discussion on the story
Vocabulary work
Analysis of the elements of fiction in The Chaser
Writing style analysis of John Collier.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Preview The Chaser by John Collier
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
The Chaser - John Collier (continued)
Introduction to the second week and a review of the first session
Writing homework task: Rewrite the ending of The Chaser and write a 200-300-word reflection on the choices you made and the impact they have on the story.
Group discussion on the rewriting of the story
Final thoughts and draw a conclusion on The chaser
Homework task: Rewrite the ending of The Chaser and write a 500-word reflection on the choices you made and the impact they have on the story.
Preparation for Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Review and understand the previous lesson and prepare any questions arising from the review to present in the next class.
Submit Homework 6
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Special Study Day - Online Learning Module
Students complete an online module as a review of the course content
- reflect on their learning and understandings of the stories
- review the elements of fiction through a final short story
Preparation for Class
Confirm access to the online module
Review the elements of fiction
2 時間
Review of Class
Review the course content. 目安時間
2 時間
Remarks for Class
- As 40% of the grade for this course comes from participation, students enrolling in this course will be required to actively participate in pair work and small-group work discussion.
- Successful students must complete all assignments, in addition to participation both in class and online to pass the course.
- All homework tasks for this course are expected to be completed in a timely manner and completed when due.
- Students are reminded that they need to pay attention to Meiji Gakuin University’s class attendance policy for this course.
- Feedback for this course will be provided by the teacher verbally during class, online through manaba or by email. Homework will be checked and graded, and feedback given manually from the teacher through manaba. Periodic updates on each student's grade condition will be provided by the teacher when considered required, or upon request.
教科書   Texts 20th Century American Short Stories: Volume 1
McConochie, J.A. (1995). 20th Century American Short Stories: Volume 1. (2nd edition). Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-0-8384-4850-2
参考書   Reference Books N/A
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Attendance and Participation: 40%
- Participation is based on the student's level of engagement and participation in class discussions, group activities, and other in-class assignments.
Homework, Quizzes and Writing Assignments: 60%

Tasks and assignments could be taken from, but not restricted to:
- Reading and summarizing short stories assigned in class
- Writing a reflection on the themes and characters of a short story
- Creating a visual representation of a short story (i.e. graphic novel, storyboard, etc.)
- Comparing and contrasting two short stories in a written analysis
- Giving a presentation on a specific author or theme in American short stories
- Writing a creative response to a short story, such as a short story continuation or alternate ending
- Collaborating with classmates to create a podcast or video analysis of a short story.
- Completing short quizzes about comprehension or vocabulary items presented in a short story.
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes Due to the nature of this class, accommodations related to COVID-19 infections will not be made.
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年03月19日 15時00分43秒