
授業コード   Course Code 2CC1405501
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name LEBES107英文法B
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject LEBES107英文法B
English Name of Subject
English Grammar B
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
知識・理解 英語圏の文学・文化の基礎知識と幅広い教養
知識・理解 英語の科学的基礎知識、応用知識
汎用的技能 グローバル化社会で使える英語の技能
汎用的技能 異文化理解と分析力
汎用的技能 課題解決の為の分析力・構想力・表現力
態度・志向性 よりよい社会の構築に結びつける志向
態度・志向性 グローバル化社会への対応能力
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 専門領域において新たに問題提起する力
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 専門領域において解決を提案する力
科目単位数   Credit 1
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher KUBO Michael Frederik
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 金曜3時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description This grammar class is a so-called 'active grammar' class, and main skill we will focus on is writing, and therefore using grammar actively in context. As a student of this class, it is your job to write both in class and outside of class. As your teacher, I will focus on correcting your writing in a way that will help guide you to correct usage and a deeper and intuitive understanding of grammar. I will use actual student examples in class illustrate when grammar structures are right, and offer constructive lessons when they are not.
到達目標   Class Goals It is not uncommon for people to use software to improve their writing. And this situation will unlikely change. However, when required to write an English essay as part of a test a student might have to take (e.g. IELTS, Eiken, TOEFL, etc.), they will not be able to use writing software to write such essays. The goal of this course, therefore, is to give students the skills to write a coherent and well-structured essay by using just pencil and paper (and an eraser). Frequent writing and correction is how this particular goal is achieved.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Getting reconnected with each other. The teacher will ask students to write a 30-minute post summer essay on a topic to be announced on this first day of the fall semester. Much discussion and group work.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Ideally, students should continue to use the same notebook as they used in the spring semester. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Specialized grammar focus based on students weak areas. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Specialized grammar focus based on students weak areas. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Specialized grammar focus based on students weak areas. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Specialized grammar focus based on students weak areas. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Specialized grammar focus based on students weak areas. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
Appositives. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Student/s teaching grammar points Part I. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Student/s teaching grammar points Part II. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
Student/s teaching grammar points Part III. Mini lecture on common errors and how to avoid them. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Learning from the masters. Studying great grammar. Mini lecture on great grammar. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Learning from the masters Part II. Studying great grammar. Mini lecture on great grammar. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Learning from the masters Part III. Studying great grammar. Mini lecture on great grammar. Student in-class writing practice. Student examples. Group working involving peer sharing and corrections. Overview of test will be given.
Preparation for Class
Always bring a A-4 size notebook (preferably an A-4 size Moleskine or Moleskine style of notebook) and pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. Do homework, and have it ready to submit at the start of every class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: hand-written 30-minute writing assignment. This assignment will be given in class, or online and it is due at the start of the next week's class. Final homework assignment collected on this day. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
TEST (on lessons 1~13). Students will be asked to correct 20~30 incorrect sentences. Duration: 40 minutes (in class). Exit essay, topic TBA. Duration: 30 minutes (in class)
Preparation for Class
Bring pencil/s (or erasable ink pen/s) and "loose-leaf" paper to class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
All homework returned to students. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Special Study Session
Preparation for Class
There may not be an on-campus classes (TBA). 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Summaries and exam feedback will be provided through materials sent to students or via on-demand classes 目安時間
0.5 時間
Remarks for Class
教科書   Texts There are no required textbooks for this class.
参考書   Reference Books There are no required reference books for this class.
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Regular written feedback from teacher. Email and or LINE used as well.
Evaluation Criteria
Participation/preparation: 60%
Quizzes: 20%
Test: 20%
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年03月19日 15時00分49秒