
授業コード   Course Code 2CC1604502
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2024年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name Listening and Pronunciation B
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject Listening and Pronunciation B
English Name of Subject
Listening and Pronunciation B
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
知識・理解 英語圏の文学・文化の基礎知識と幅広い教養
知識・理解 英語の科学的基礎知識、応用知識
汎用的技能 グローバル化社会で使える英語の技能
汎用的技能 異文化理解と分析力
汎用的技能 課題解決の為の分析力・構想力・表現力
態度・志向性 よりよい社会の構築に結びつける志向
態度・志向性 グローバル化社会への対応能力
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 専門領域において新たに問題提起する力
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 専門領域において解決を提案する力
科目単位数   Credit 1
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher KUBO Michael Frederik
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 金曜5時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description The title of this course is Listening and Pronunciation; however, this title is kind of a misnomer. While it is true the teacher will give students pronunciation tips throughout the course, the actual main focus of this course will be on listening. The teacher will help students with listening to bigger and bigger transcriptions (or texts). Engaging classroom activities will help students help each other with interpreting, negotiating, and processing the meaning of the weekly listening content. Required extensive (online) listening homework is also given, as well as weekly written or recorded reports about the listening content. In class, the teacher will present to class what are called "Mike's Monologues", or short speeches, which they will be asked to listen to (sometimes a few times) and ask questions about before receiving the actual transcriptions. Later in the semester, students themselves will be asked to create and present their own monologues based on actual experiences they have had. This class is authentic, empowering and memorable. This class is also a great way to end the school week!
到達目標   Class Goals Often the best and most memorable things we listen to are the stories, thoughts and opinions we hear from the people closest to us. Therefore, the teacher's goal for this class is for everyone (including the teacher himself) to speak openly and honestly. This authentic approach to sharing will help create closer and more meaningful connections amongst us all. If everyone in this class speaks from the heart, they will grow stronger together. In terms of extensive listening, the teacher will select listening materials that connect directly with the interests of the students in this class. Also, teacher himself will expose the students to listening content that interests him with the hope that you, the students, will take interest in such content as well.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Getting reconnected with each other. After returning from summer break, some of us might be a little rusty with English. This lesson is an opportunity for students and teacher to brush the rust off, and get a clean, smooth start! We'll start with a teacher monologue (topic: summer memories), and after that, students will be asked to do the same. Overview of fall semester will be given in full.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
General Topic: Maturing - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
General Topic: Personal Goals - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
General Topic: Morals & Ethics - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
General Topic: Family - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
QUICK QUIZ 1 (on lessons 1~5) General Topic: Conservation & Stewardship - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
General Topic: Creativity & Innovation - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
General Topic: Japan - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
General Topic: Abroad - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
General Topic: MGU - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
QUICK QUIZ 2 (on lessons 6~10) General Topic: Do On To Others - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
General Topic: My Time Capsule Message to Myself - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
General Topic: This Class - Warmup (question of the day), in groups, students discuss extensive listening assignment from previous lesson. Student groups report to class their summaries, opinions and other remarks related to the listening. In-class: Students (in groups) listen to authentic speech in the form of 'Mike's Monologue', listening multiple times and invited to discuss what was said, ask questions and negotiate meaning amongst each other. Groups are asked to summarize and report in class.
Preparation for Class
Always bring notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. Have homework completed. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Overview of test will be given. Last homework assignment given. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
TEST (on lessons 1~13) The teacher will assess students individually as to how well they are able to understand and summarize the meaning of a lengthy listening passage. The passage will contain only words and phrases from the lessons in this semester. The test is about 1 hour.
Preparation for Class
As always, bring your notebook and pen or paper to class. Smartphones should be fully or near fully charged. Remember to bring the handout from the previous lesson or other materials teachers asks you to bring. 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Homework: extensive listening assignment. This will be given online. Students will be expected to comment on the assignment in the following class. 目安時間
0.5 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Special Study Session
Preparation for Class
There may not be an on-campus classes (TBA). 目安時間
0.5 時間
Review of Class
Summaries and exam feedback will be provided through materials sent to students or via on-demand classes 目安時間
0.5 時間
Remarks for Class
教科書   Texts There are no required textbooks for this class.
参考書   Reference Books There are no required reference books for this class.
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Written and/or recorded feedback from teacher. Email and or LINE used as well.
Evaluation Criteria
Participation/preparation: 60%
Quizzes: 20%
Test: 20%
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2024年03月19日 15時00分49秒