
授業コード   Course Code 2MF3000000
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2019年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name KC3000International Disputes Settlement Procedures
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject KC3000International Disputes Settlement Procedures
English Name of Subject
KC3000International Disputes Settlement Procedures
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
知識・理解 Basic academic skills
知識・理解 General academic skills
汎用的技能 Communication in multiple languages
汎用的技能 Ability to analyse Japan's role in a globalizing society
態度・志向性 Leadership
態度・志向性 Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
態度・志向性 Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 Ability to analyse problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数   Credit 4
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher 吉井 淳
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 月曜4時限(秋学期), 木曜4時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description Article 2, para.3 of the United Nations Charter prescribes the legal obligation to settle international disputes by peaceful means and this treaty-based obligation may now have the character of jus cogens, from which no derogation is permitted. In this course various methods of peaceful settlement are explained and special focus is put on the procedures of the International Court of Justice with reference to its jurisprudence.
到達目標   Class Goals (1) To acquire knowledge about international disputes. What are the differences of international and internal or municipal disputes?
(2) To analyze international disputes from the legal point of view.
(3) To know the procedures of the International Court of Justice
(4) To get knowledge about the International Criminal Court and International Criminal Law.
(5) To learn the settlement of disputes system of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which introduces compulsory procedures.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング非対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
General framework of dispute settlement procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Untied Nations
Disputes are classified in various ways from different point of views. International disputes are traditionally classified into two categories, legal disputes and non-legal disputes. In this course the differences of those two sorts of disputes will first be explained then existence of international disputes and other related issues will be taught.
Preparation for Class
Read the following materials;
(1) Chapter 6 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Available at; https://www.un.org/en/sections/un-charter/chapter-vi/index.html
(2) Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Available at; https://www.un.org/en/sections/un-charter/chapter-i/index.html
(3) UNGA Resolution 2615 (XXV);
Available at; https://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/2625(XXV)
(4) Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (A/37/590)
Available at; https://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/37/10
(5) Declaration on the Prevention and Removal of Disputes and Situations which may threaten International Peace and Security and on the Role of the United Nations in this Field (A/RES/43/51);
Available at; https://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/43/51
(6) International Court of Justice; Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) merits, Judgment of 27 June 1986, para. 290-291.
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/70/070-19860627-JUD-01-00-EN.pdf
Read the following materials;
(1) The Statute of the International Court of Justice, Article 36, para.2.
(2) The Charter of the United Nations, Article 36, para 3.
(3) United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) Judgment of 24 May 1980, para. 37. Available at: https://www.icj-cij.org/en/case/64/judgments
2 時間
Review of Class
【第1回復習内容】Review the class
【第2回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
In this class various diplomatic means of dispute settlement are considered. Those are Negotiation, Conciliation, Enquiry, Mediation and Good offices. You need at least understand the differences among those means and actual international practices of dispute settlements using those means.
International arbitration: Arbitration is used to settle not only disputes between States but between individuals or other non-State actors such as legal persons. In this class general concept of arbitration is explored and definition of international arbitration and its position in international dispute settlement is explained. Permanent Court of International Arbitration, established by the Hague convention 1 of 1907 is also explained.
Preparation for Class
Read the materials below:
(1) General Assembly Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, GA Res. 2625(XXV). Available at;
(2) The North Sea Continental Shelf Case (Federal Republic of Germany v. The Netherlands), 1969, ICJ, pp.48-49, paras.86-87., available at;
Read the following materials:
(1) Convention (1) for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (Hague 1) (29 July 1899) Articles 15 to 18.
Available at; http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/hague01.asp
(2) Convention (1) for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (Hague 1) (18 October 1907) Articles 37 to 40.
Available at; http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/pacific.asp
2 時間
Review of Class
【第3回復習内容】Review the class
【第4回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Other than negotiations, article 33 of the United Nations Charter lists judicial means of settlement. One of the institutions which function is to settle international disputes in accordance with international law is the International Court of Justice, one of the principle organs of the United Nations. In this class brief history of the Court is reviewed and its organization is explained.
International Court of Justice: The Organization of the Court, including election of the member of the Court, composition of the judges, types of the Court, is explained.
Preparation for Class
Read the document provided by the International Court of Justice on its Web site; available at;
Read the Statute of the Court; articles 2 to 31
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/statute
2 時間
Review of Class
【第5回復習内容】Review the class
【第6回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
The International Court of Justice; In this class, jurisdiction of the court is explained in detail. Who can bring the cases before the court? No compulsory jurisdiction exists, in principle, in international society. How is the jurisdiction of the court established and how the court confirms its jurisdiction are the core problems dealt with in this class.
The International Court of Justice: following the prior class which deals the basic system of the court’s jurisdiction, court’s jurisdiction based on optional clause declarations is considered in depth and specially the validity of the declaration, its effect and interpretation and other issues are dealt with.
Preparation for Class
Prior to the class, get the basic knowledge of the following words;
(1) Jurisdiction of the international court
(2) Special agreement and forum prorogatum
(3) Optional clause declaration
Read the following articles;
(1) Article 36 (2) and (3) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.
(2) Article 31 of the Vienna Convention o the Law of Treaties 1969 available at; http://legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/1_1_1969.pdf
2 時間
Review of Class
【第7回復習内容】Review the class
【第8回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Optional clause jurisdiction of the Court; in this class, reservations attached to the declaration are analyzed, their limitation, effect and so called “Automatic Reservations” is examined.
Litigation procedures of the International Court of Justice: the procedure of the Court is regulated mainly by its Statute and complimentary by the Rules of Court and Practice Directions issued by the Court itself. In this class, parties of the case, proceedings in a contentious case, written proceedings, oral proceedings, joinder of the case and other related issues are explained.
Preparation for Class
Read the following materials;
(1) Individual opinion of President McNair, Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. case (jurisdiction), Judgment of July 22nd, 1952; I.C.J. Reports 1952, p. 93, p. 116.
(2) Dissenting opinion of Judge Levi Carneiro, Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. case, (jurisdiction), Judgment of July 22nd, 1952, p. 93, p.154.
Both (1) & (2) are available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/case/16/judgments
(3) Declaration made by the United Kingdom, available at;
(4) Declaration made by Australia, available at;
(5) Summary of the judgment of the Case Concerning the Arial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) (Jurisdiction of the Court) Judgment of 21 June 2000, available at;
Read the following materials;
(1) “How the Court Works” in the I.C.J. website.
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/how-the-court-works
(2) Pp.49 – 58 of International Court of Justice Handbook published by the International Court of Justice;
(3) Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/publications/handbook-of-the-court-en.pdf
2 時間
Review of Class
【第9回復習内容】Review the class
【第10回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Procedure of the International Court of Justice
Two main subjects of this class are the issues of confirmation of facts and law and non-appearance of the party. When one of the parties is unwilling to be present before the Court and does not appear, the Court faces difficulties to collect evidences and proof. By analyzing the cases of this nature, burden of proof, circumstantial evidence and other related concepts are explained.
Proceeding of the International Court of Justice; Preliminary Objection proceedings are explained in this class.
Preparation for Class
(1) Read the summary of the judgment of the Corfu Channel case of the International Court of justice and get the brief knowledge of the case and the decision of the case.
The case summary is available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/1/1647.pdf
(2) Learn the concepts of following terms;
 (a) Burden of proof
 (b) Circumstantial evidence
 (c) Actori incumbit onus probandi
 (d) Jura novit curia
Read the following materials;
(1) International Court of Justice Handbook
2 時間
Review of Class
【第11回復習内容】Review the class
【第12回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
Proceedings of the International Court of Justice; Admissibility and Jurisdiction in relation to the authority of the Court to entertain the case is explained. Article 79 (1) of the Rules of Court classifies the objections as any objection by the respondent to the jurisdiction of the Court or to the admissibility of the application, or other objection. These three categories of objections are analysed and explained.
Proceedings of the International Court of Justice; Decisions of the Court are judgments, advisory opinions and orders. In this class, judgments and orders rendered by the Court is discussed. How the deliberation is conducted, how the draft of the decision is made, can the Court give a provisional or conditional judgement? Those are some of the issues explained.
Preparation for Class
Read the following materials
(1) Article 79 (1) of the Rules of Court,
available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/rules
(2) International Court of Justice Handbook pp.59 – 62,
available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
Read from p. 69 to 78 of the International Court of Justice Handbook;
Available at: https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
2 時間
Review of Class
【第13回復習内容】Review the class
【第14回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Judgment of the International Court of Justice; in this class the effect of the judgment and related incidental proceedings are discussed. Those are interpretation of judgment and revision of judgment.
Proceedings of the International Court of Justice; Interim measures of protection or provisional measures are discussed. Some of the points to be discussed are; There needs a link with rights claimed on the merits and the measures requested. What conditions are necessary to request those measures? Does the measures have binding effect?
Preparation for Class
Read the following materials;
(1)  p. 78 and 79 of the International Court of Justice Handbook;
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
(2) Article 82 of the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (Hague I); October 18, 1907;
Available at; http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/pacific.asp#art82
(3) Article 60 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice;
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/statute
Read the following materials;
(1) From p.63 to 64 of International Court of Justice Handbook;
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
(2) Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Case, Order of July 5th, 1951 : I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 89. pp. 92-93.
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/16/016-19510705-ORD-02-00-EN.pdf
(3) Dissenting Opinion of Judges Winiarski and Badawi Pasha appended to the above Order.
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/16/016-19510705-ORD-01-01-EN.pdf
(4) Dissenting opinion of Judge Gros appended to Order of 22 June 1973 of Nuclear Tests (Australia v. France)
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/58/058-19730622-ORD-01-06-EN.pdf
(5) Dissenting Opinion of Judge Forster appended to Order of 22 June 1973 of Nuclear Tests (Australia v. France)
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/58/058-19730622-ORD-01-05-EN.pdf
2 時間
Review of Class
【第15回復習内容】Review the class
【第16回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Proceeding of the International Court of Justice; One of the two jurisdictions the Court has is that of Advisory Opinion. In this class, history and development of Advisory Opinion system, discretionary power of the Court to give the opinions and legal effects of the opinion are the main issues discussed in this class.
From this class, theory of international criminal law is discussed and organization and proceedings of the International Criminal Court are explained. Definitions and sources of international criminal law are discussed and unique features of this area of law are explained.
Preparation for Class
Read from p. 81 to p. 93 of the International Court of Justice Handbook
available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
Read the following documents;
(1) Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Paris, 9 December 1948.
Available at; https://treaties.un.org/doc/publication/unts/volume%2078/volume-78-i-1021-english.pdf
(2) Read the comment of Prof. William A. Schabas of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Available at; http://legal.un.org/avl/pdf/ha/cppcg/cppcg_e.pdf
(3) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 17 July 1998.
Available at; https://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/1998/07/19980717%2006-33%20PM/Ch_XVIII_10p.pdf
Due to shortage of online materials, other necessary copies of documents and materials will be handed out in class prior to this class.
2 時間
Review of Class
【第17回復習内容】Review the class
【第18回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
International Criminal Court
Criminal jurisdiction and s the substantive rules of international criminal law, such as the concepts of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, aggression and other crimes are explained.
In this class, organization and procedures of the International Criminal Court are examined. What is the complementary principle and the relations between the International Criminal Court and municipal courts are main subjects of this class.
Preparation for Class
Watch the following Video materials and learn the concept of international crimes.
(1) International Crimes, The Concept of an “International Crime” by Dr. Roger O’Keefe
Available at; http://legal.un.org/avl/ls/OKeefe_CLP.html?
(2) What is Transnational Criminal Law? By Prof. Neil Boister.
Available at; http://legal.un.org/avl/ls/criminallaw.html#
Read the “How the Court works” part of the website of the International Criminal Court and have the basic ideas of the organization of the Court and how the Court operates according to the Roma Statute.
Available at; https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/how-the-court-works/Pages/default.aspx#legalProcess
2 時間
Review of Class
【第19回復習内容】Review the class
【第20回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;
In this class brief introduction of the Law of the Sea is explained. History of the law of the sea, modern development of the law of the sea and other features of the law are lectured.
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Preparation for Class
Read the following materials on the conventions on the law of the sea;
(1) 1958 Geneva Convention on the Law of the Sea, by Judge Tullio Treves
Available at; http://legal.un.org/avl/pdf/ha/gclos/gclos_e.pdf
(2) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, by Judge Tullio Treves
Available at; http://legal.un.org/avl/pdf/ha/uncls/uncls_e.pdf
Read from article 279 to article 299 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Available at; https://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf
2 時間
Review of Class
【第21回復習内容】Review the class
【第22回復習内容】Review the class
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Procedures of the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea is explained in this class, its authority to entertain the case, its organization, relation with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other related issues are explained.
Reserved for student presentations
Preparation for Class
Read Annex VI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Available at; https://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf
To be announced
2 時間
Review of Class
【第23回復習内容】Review the class
【第24回復習内容】Review the presentation
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Student presentations
Student presentations
Preparation for Class
To be announced
To be announced
2 時間
Review of Class
【第25回復習内容】Review the presentation
【第26回復習内容】Review the presentation
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
Student presentations
Overall Review of the Course;
Pick up actual international conflict and discuss international law issues involved in the conflict.
In this class, long standing debates about the comfort lady between Korea and Japan or Okinotori-shima problem, what marks an island in international law or other current dispute Japan is involved or is discussed
Preparation for Class
To be announced
To be announced
2 時間
Review of Class
【第27回復習内容】Review the class
【第28回予習内容】To be announced
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Overall Review of the Course;
Pick up an actual international conflict and discuss international legal issues involved in the conflict.
In this class, northern territory dispute between Russia and Japan or Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration between New Zealand and Japan and Austria and Japan or other dispute Japan is involved is discussed.
Overall Review of the Course;
Pick up an actual international conflict and discuss international legal issues involved in the conflict.
In this class, northern territory dispute between Russia and Japan or Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration between New Zealand and Japan and Austria and Japan or other dispute Japan is involved is discussed.
Preparation for Class
To be announced
To be announced
2 時間
Review of Class
【第29回復習内容】Review the class
【第30回予習内容】To be announced
2 時間
Remarks for Class
No prior knowledge of law or dispute settlement procedures is required.
Basic knowledge about legal terms, procedural terms and expressions is advantageous.
教科書   Texts Not specified
Supplementary materials are handed out in class, if necessary.
参考書   Reference Books (1) International Dispute Settlement by J.G. Merrills, 6th edition. Cambridge University Press. 2017.
(2) Handbook of the International Court of Justice prepared and published by the International Court of Justice
Available at; https://www.icj-cij.org/en/publications
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Class attendance; 20 %
Presentation; 40 %
Final exam; 40 %
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2019年09月12日 16時36分46秒