授業コード Course Code |
授業開講年度 Year of Class |
授業形態 Course Mode |
授業名称 Class Name |
KCSOC201International Journalism/KC3003International Journalism
テーマ Theme |
科目名 Name of Subject |
KCSOC201International Journalism
英字科目名 English Name of Subject |
International Journalism
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
Basic academic skills
General academic skills
Communication in multiple languages
Ability to analyse Japan's role in a globalizing society
Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
Ability to analyse problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数 Credit |
履修期 Term |
教員氏名 Name of Teacher |
VENTURA Reynald B.
開講キャンパス Campus |
曜時 Day and Period |
授業概要 Course Description |
This course provides the student with the fundamentals of news, features, and creative non-fiction writing. It also introduces photo-video journalism, and documentary film-making. Students will learn how to recognize good stories, interview, gather data and information, develop contacts and sources, create news and feature stories, take photographs and develop photo-essays, shoot video and make short video reports or documentaries. Assignments will be given at the end of each lesson.
到達目標 Class Goals |
At the end of the course, the student is expected to have produced two or three pieces of news, one feature article, two photo-essays, two reviews, and one 1-5 minute documentary report/film.
授業言語 Language |
アクティブ・ラーニング Active Learning |
授業計画 Daily Class Schedule
授業内容 Content/Topic
Introduction to the course. Journalism and its many possibilities and variations: news writing, feature story writing, non-fiction writing, photo-video journalism, and documentary film-making. Watch and discuss a short video report/documentary. Do in-class writing exercise.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Watch documentary films; read feature stories in magazines and newspapers; read news stories; watch TV news
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Find an interesting news article and write a short comment about it. Bring one old and one new picture of yourself or your family. Write a short background article about these photos.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Discussion of the news articles you have selected. What are the elements of a good news story? Analyzing news pictures. Caption writing.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Read a newspaper. Analyze the contents of a newspaper. Take note of the different parts of a newspaper.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In-class writing
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Discussion of a feature story. What are the elements of a good feature story?
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Read and analyze a feature story.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Watch a TV news feature. Write a personal story.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
How to cover an event? How a journalist covers an event? What are the basic rules and social conventions?
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Watch a TV journalist do a live report.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Write a review of a TV news program.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Introduction to news photography and photo-journalism. Story-ideas and plans for a photo-essay
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Check some photo-books, photo=magazines, and online sites of news agencies; check the photo and video news section of the site.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Take some pictures on and off-campus. You can use a phone-camera or a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) one.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The language of photography. Photo-analysis. Presentation of photo-essay (draft)
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Choose three pictures from any sources. Analyse them. What makes them good pictures? Make your own analysis.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Do a photo-essay/story using the One-Day-in-the-Life-of approach.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Discussion of your photo-essays/stories.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Edit your pictures; write captions for your photos; apply the Rule of Two-thirds; observe 'film-grammar'
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Re-arrange your pictures; edit captions.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Lecture/discussion on feature story writing and photography.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Write a 1-2 paragraph note about a feature article you plan to do.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Write an outline of your proposed feature story.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Film watching. Watch and discuss a short documentary film.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Watch documentary films on TV or online.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Write a review of a documentary film.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Presentation and discussion of feature stories.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Revise and edit your feature stories.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Compare News Stories with Feature Stories.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Field trip reporting. Lessons learned from off-campus workshops.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Check your tools/camera. Do research about the place to be visited.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Discuss related topics: knowing your tools; talking to strangers; gathering information
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Introduction to video journalism and documentary film-making.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Read about the language of films and photography. What is 'film grammar?'
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Do a film or TV review.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Workshop on video editing, writing the narration, titling, adding music, etc. Discuss editing softwares and applications.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Watch a good movie.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Watch a short film and analyze it.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Film showing/presentation and discussion.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Edit your video and add narration or subtitles, if necessary.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
The language of film; film aesthetics.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Hand in portfolios: news articles, a feature story, reviews, and a short video report/documentary.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Collect your body of works in a folder or envelope.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Analyze your portfolio. Do self-evaluation.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業に関する注意事項 Remarks for Class |
The class put more emphasis on workshops and practical exercises rather than on theoretical discussions.
教科書 Texts |
Prints and handouts.
参考書 Reference Books |
The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel (Three Rivers Press)
課題フィードバック方法区分 Assignment Feedback Method |
課題フィードバック方法内容 Assignment Feedback Method Content |
成績評価の基準 Evaluation Criteria |
I will evaluate each student’s performance based on attendance (50%), fulfiflment of weekly assignments, and submission of the final portfolio (50%).
関連URL Related URL |
備考 Notes |
添付ファイルの注意事項 Notice |
更新日時 Date of Update |
2023年02月22日 21時26分49秒