授業コード Course Code |
授業開講年度 Year of Class |
授業形態 Course Mode |
授業名称 Class Name |
KCSOC203Japanese Minority Groups/KC3025Japanese Minority Groups
テーマ Theme |
科目名 Name of Subject |
KCSOC203Japanese Minority Groups
英字科目名 English Name of Subject |
Japanese Minority Groups
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
Basic academic skills
Specialized academic skills
Skills for analyzing data and conducting research
Ability to analyze Japan's role in a globalizing society
Multilingual Communication skills
Leadership/Life Career Design Skills
Skills for working with people from different backgrounds
Ability to analyze problems caused by globalization and search for solutions
科目単位数 Credit |
履修期 Term |
教員氏名 Name of Teacher |
GILL Thomas P.
開講キャンパス Campus |
曜時 Day and Period |
月曜3時限(秋学期), 木曜3時限(秋学期)
授業概要 Course Description |
This course deals with ethnic and cultural minority groups in contemporary Japan. Japan is often described as a homogeneous society, and indeed does have a very dominant ethnic and cultural mainstream. That is a fact of life for minority groups in Japan, and we will look at how some of them have positioned themselves vis-a-vis the mainstream in finding a place for themselves in Japanese society. Along the way, we will explore the many fascinating similarities and differences between the experiences of the many minority groups that we study.
到達目標 Class Goals |
To gain a good understanding of the status of minority groups in Japan and their interaction with the mainstream.
授業言語 Language |
アクティブ・ラーニング Active Learning |
授業計画 Daily Class Schedule
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Introduction, (2) Overview: The Debate on Homogeneity and Multiculturalism
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Ainu, indigenous people of Hokkaido (2) Ryukyuans, indigenous people of Okinawa
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) and (2) Koreans, Japan’s biggest and oldest ethnic minority (1) History (2) Contemporary Issues
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Chinese in Japan (2) Filipinos in Japan
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Vietnamese in Japan (2) Brazilians in Japan
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) and (2) Student presentations on ethnic minorities
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Reading for midterm exam/presentation
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for midterm exam.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) MIDTERM EXAMINATION ON ETHNIC MINORITIES You will choose two essays from a choice of ten and write 500 words on each. (2) Film showing: Osaka Story
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study all materials on ethnic minorities.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Write a short review of the film Osaka Story for max. 5 points extra credit.
目安時間 Hours
1 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Insecure Labour: Day labourers and 'Freeters' (2) Homelessness in Japan
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Sexual minorities: gay/lesbian, transsexuals etc. (2) Otaku, freeters, NEETs, school refusers, parasite singles
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Political minorities: Far left, far right, etc. (2) Yakuza (gangsters) and Bosozoku (bikers)
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Gamblers and alcoholics (2) Religious minorities
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Disabilities, physical and mental (2) Diseases: HIV/AIDS, Hansen's Disease, Minamata, Hiabkusha.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Fukushima Victims: A New minority? (2) Kegare (spiritual uncleanliness).
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Study the lecture slides and other materials on Manaba to participate in classroom discussion.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for online quiz on Manaba. The quiz will be held at the start of the next class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) and (2) Student presentations on non-ethnic minorities
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Read and prepare for second presentation.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Take a break.
目安時間 Hours
0 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
(1) Catch-up class for any missed lectures. (2) Course review and revision for final exam.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Write and upload slides for second presentation.
目安時間 Hours
4 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Prepare for final exam. This will be similar to the midterm exam, choosing two essays from a choice of ten and write 500 words on each, but covering NON-ethnic minorities. It will be held during the exam period at the end of the semester.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業に関する注意事項 Remarks for Class |
This course will be conducted entirely in English. Students should be ready to participate actively. Each lecture has about 100 slides, with quite a lot of text. Instead of reading them out in class (leaving almost no time for discussion) I will expect you to read them before the class, so that we can discuss the issues raised in groups and in the whole class.
教科書 Texts |
None ー reading materials will be distributed for each topic.
参考書 Reference Books |
Japan’s Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity, ed. Michael Weiner. 2nd edition, 2008. Multicultural Japan, ed. Donald Denoon et al, Cambridge UP 1997; 2nd edition, 2008.
課題フィードバック方法区分 Assignment Feedback Method |
課題フィードバック方法内容 Assignment Feedback Method Content |
成績評価の基準 Evaluation Criteria |
Midterm exam (20%), final exam (20%), Presentations (2x10%), online quizzes (20%) Participation in class discussions (20%). There will be some opportunities for extra credit.
関連URL Related URL |
備考 Notes |
添付ファイルの注意事項 Notice |
更新日時 Date of Update |
2023年03月05日 23時59分18秒