
授業コード   Course Code 2MF3035000
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2022年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name KCCUL203Japanese Literature/KC3009Japanese Literature
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject KCCUL203Japanese Literature
English Name of Subject
Japanese Literature
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
知識・理解 Basic academic skills
知識・理解 General academic skills
汎用的技能 Communication in multiple languages
汎用的技能 Ability to analyze Japan's role in a globalizing society
態度・志向性 Leadership
態度・志向性 Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
態度・志向性 Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 Ability to analyze problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数   Credit 4
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher WATSON Michael G.
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 火曜2時限(秋学期), 金曜2時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description In this class we will read a wide range of Japanese literature from a global perspective. A range of fictional and factual techniques are found in narratives around the world. Are traditional and modern Japanese ways of telling a story peculiar to Japan, characteristic of other East Asian literatures, or found in narratives elsewhere? How do contemporary narratives differ from older narratives in style and technique? What are recent trends in Japanese writing--and in translations from Japanee? The key themes of this course are (1) "narratology" (the study of narrative); (2) "tradition" vs "innovation"; (3) "reception" and "intertextuality"; (4) translation (including translation as reception and issues of "translatability").
到達目標   Class Goals To read works that are enjoyable in themselves and raise interesting points for discussion about Japanese culture and society, as well as universal themes of human experience. To think about literature from the perspective of linguistic and cultural background, considering problems of translation and reception (appreciation, influence, adaptation).
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Tue 09/20 Introduction to the course. Topic 1: Early fictional narratives. Opening scenes (time, place, character).
Fri 09/23 Read and discuss the opening scenes of three 10C (=10th century) works: The Bamboo Cutter's Tale / Taketori monogatari / 竹取物語 (a tale of "wooing" involving an unearthly being); The Tale of Ochikubo / Ochikubo monogatari / 落窪物語 (a "Cinderella" story of an evil stepmother); The Tales of Ise / Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 (episodes about a man and his loves). TOPICS: Comparisons with openings of traditional narratives in Japan and elsewhere. Universal motifs vs culture-specific motives. Social elements. Realism and fantasy.
Preparation for Class
From the second class (9/23), you are expected to prepare by doing the set readings BEFORE each class as well as completing any written assignments. The Reader will include selections of many texts in English translation. If you read Japanese, compare the selected passages in Japanese. Each team will be given different sections to prepare, but you should look through the full packet of readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Q: "How do traditional tales begin? What are some of the typical formats of narrative openings?" Comment on the assigned texts, adding at least one example from the supplementary reading list. Write a esponse in English and submit to manaba "Assignments." NOTE: All students should answer this week's question. In future weeks, you will be divided into two groups, with each group submitting a written response every OTHER week. 目安時間
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Tue 09/27 We will read some some short episodic tales of the Heian period from Ise monogatari 伊勢物語. Why did the tales have so much influence on later writers and artists?
Fri 09/30 We will read examples of another very influential work: Konjaku monogatarishū 今昔物語集 (Tales of Times Now Past), which inspired short stories by 20C writers like Akutagawa Ryūnosuke.
This week we will explore the development of short forms of fiction by Japanese writers, traditional and modern. We will look at how the tales END, some with a punchline, some with a poem, some with a reflective comment. Many collections of Japanese tales have been published recently in English translation. What aspects attract readers abroad?
Preparation for Class
Do the set readings BEFORE each class. From this week, the class will be divided into teams of students of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. You will need to contact each other outside of class to prepare for class discussions and presentations. Read carefully the assigned texts from the Reader. Each team will be given sections to prepare, but you should look through the full packet of readings for this week. Additional readings from Kimbrough and Shirane, 2018 (Monsters, Animals, and Other Worlds) and Higashi, 2020-2021 (Kaiki: Uncanny Tales from Japan). 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
What are some of the different ways that premodern writers dealt with STRANGE events or the UNCANNY? Discuss how this topic is treated in at least two of the texts. Write a response in English and submit to "Assignments" on manaba. 目安時間
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Tue 10/04 Fantasy in modern Japanese literature
Fri 10/07 Fantasy in contemporary Japanese literature
This week we will focus on 20C-21C writers whose works draw on traditional "uncanny" elements or develop new forms of the strange and fantastic. We start with the writing by Lafcadio Hearn and others in the Meiji period who introduced "spooky" or "weird" Japan to Western readers. Then we look at related examples in writers whose works have recently been translated into English, such as Kurahashi Yumiko, Murakami Haruki, Ogawa Yōko, and Kyōgoku Natsuhiko (倉橋由美子, 村上春樹, 小川洋子, 京極夏彦).
Preparation for Class
Read carefully the assigned texts from the Reader, which includes selections of works on this theme. Each team will be assigned several passages to prepare, but you should look through the full packet of readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
What are some of the different ways that modern writers deal with STRANGE events or the UNCANNY? Discuss how this topic is treated in at least two of the texts. Write a response in English and submit to "Assignments" on manaba. 目安時間
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Tue 10/11 Student presentations on short premodern narratives mixing realistic and fantastic elements
Fri 10/14 Student presentations on short modern narratives mixing realistic and fantastic elements
Preparation for Class
Prepare to read excerpts from the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) by learning more about the work. We will focus on two episodes, one in chapter 4 ("Yūgao" 夕顔) and one in chapter 9 ("Aoi" 葵). Both feature supernatural elements in a realistic setting. The assigned text draws on the abridged translation by Royall Tyler. I will introduce other resources for you to prepare. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
As you learn about the Tale of Genji and begin reading, you should look back at what you have learned so far about the development of fictional and non-fictional prose in Japan. Students who are not giving a presentation this week will be assigned to write a response, referring to the PDF versions of presentation slides. 目安時間
2 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Tue 10/18 The Tale of Genji (1) Introduction to the work and its place in Japanese and world literature.
Fri 10/21 The Tale of Genji (2): reading and discussing highlights from chapter 4, "Yūgao."
In the last two weeks of October, we will study two chapters of the Tale of Genji, chapter 4 ("Yūgao" 夕顔) and chapter 9 ("Aoi" 葵), focussing on a key "supernatural" moment in both. You should read both chapters in modern translations. We will look at some passages in detail, comparing different modern Japanese translations, different English translations, and also referring to how the work has been translated into other languages.
Preparation for Class
Read selections from chapter 4, together with the questions to guide you in your reading. You will be quizzed on the reading passages so be sure to do the reading in good time. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response to "Assignments." 目安時間
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Tue 10/25 The Tale of Genji (3): reading and discussing highlights from chapter 9, "Aoi."
Fri 10/28 The Tale of Genji (4): reading and discussing chapter 9 its reception, and translation.
Translation is one aspect of "reception," as is the influence on other arts, like the noh play "Aoi no ue" 葵上 (Lady Aoi) and visual/cinematic representations. Topics explored this week and later in the course include the way that culture is transmitted over time and space, cross-media transformations, and transcultural influences.
Preparation for Class
Read selections from chapter 9 , together with the questions to guide you in your reading. You will be quizzed on the reading passages so be sure to do the reading in good time. Consult with me about your midterm topic. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Submit midterm report (1000 words) by November 7 (Monday). See manaba for instructions. 目安時間
2 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
Tue 11/08 "Everyday life" in Japanese literature in the Meiji period
Fri 11/11 ""Everyday life" in Japanese literature in early Shōwa period (1930s)
Murasaki Shikibu and other writers give us a rich if idealized and partial picture of what everyday life was for the elite of the Heian period. One of the pleasures of reading Natsume Sōseki's Sanshirō or Mori Ōgai's Gan ("Wild Goose") is to learn what it was like to be a student in Meiji-period Tokyo. Life in late 1930s Osaka and Kobe is vividly described by Tanizaki Jun'ichirō in his novel Sasameyuki ("The Makioka Sisters).
Preparation for Class
Read carefully the assigned texts from the Reader, which includes selections of works on this theme. Each team will be assigned several passages to prepare, but you should look through the full packet of readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Submit midterm report (1500 words) on the Tale of Genji by the end of May. See manaba for instructions. 目安時間
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Tue 11/15 "Everyday life" in Japanese literature in the late 20C.
Fri 11/18 "Everyday life" in contemporary Japanese literature.
Since 2010, there has been a boom in translations of Japanese short stories and novels that deal with Japan life and society in a very detailed and realistic way: family, relationships at home and at work, mundane problems, social issues, problems of identity. This week we will look at three examples of this trend:
Tsushima Yuko 津島裕子『光の領分』(Territory of Light, trans. Barton 2020)
Yu Miri 柳美里『JR上野駅公園口』(Tokyo Ueno Station, trans. Giles, 2018)
Murata Sayaka 村田沙耶香『コンビニ人間』(Convenience Store Woman, trans. Takemori 2018)
Preparation for Class
Read carefully the assigned texts from the Reader, which includes selections of works on this theme. Each team will be assigned several passages to prepare, but you should look through the full packet of readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response to "Assignments." 目安時間
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Tue 11/22 student presentations
Fri 11/25 student presentations
Topics should be chosen from the works covered in November or from stories from the recommended anthologies (see below).
Preparation for Class
Find out about what kind of stories have been chosen by the editors of major anthologies of modern Japanese literature. These include: The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature, vol. 1: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868–1945; vol. 2: From 1945 to the Present Day (ed. Rimer and Gessel, 2005). The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories (ed. Rubin, 2018). A Tokyo Anthology: Literature from Japan’s Modern Metropolis 1950-1920 (ed. Jones, 2017). 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
If you are not giving a presentation this week, you will be assigned to write a response, referring to the PDF versions of presentation slides. You should also comment on the choice made in a major anthology (see above). 目安時間
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
Tue 11/29: The Tale of the Heike / Heike monogatari 平家物語 (1) History? Epic? Romance?
Fri 12/02: The Tale of the Heike (2) Style, language, narrative techniques, reception: different approaches
The greatest literary work of medieval Japan is a fictionalized account of a real war: the Genpei 源平 conflict (1180-1185). We will start by reading excerpts from chapters 1-4.
Preparation for Class
Finish reading the assigned readings from The Tale of Heike, episodes from chapters 1–3 by Thursday, episodes from chapters 4-6 by Friday. See library B2 (895) for class set of Royall Tyler, The Tale of the Heike (2012). Compare another translation (1) Helen Craig McCullough or abridged translation by Burton Watson (with useful summaries). 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response to "Assignments." 目安時間
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Tue 12/06 The Tale of the Heike (3) Chapter 7
Fri 12/09 The Tale of the Heike (4) Chapter 9
This week we will focus on two chapters centering on major battles, most resulting in victory for the Genji and defeat for the Heike. Unusually for a war tale, this narrative is even-handed in its treatment of victors and vanquished, mixing praise and criticism, and showing sympathy for victims of war.
Preparation for Class
Read carefully the assigned sections. Each team will be assigned several to prepare, but you should look through all readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response. 目安時間
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Tue 12/13: The Tale of the Heike (5) cultural reception within Japan (drama, visual arts, cinema)
Fri 12/16: The Tale of the Heike (6) cultural reception outside of Japan
The Tale of the Heike has been a key cultural influence on many forms of Japanese art, literature, and drama. The tale was known and studied by European missionaries in the late 16C, rediscovered and translated in the mid-19C, and continues to be read and translated in the 21C.
Preparation for Class
Read carefully the assigned sections. Each team will be assigned several to prepare, but you should look through all readings for this week. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response. 目安時間
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Tue 12/20: Translation and foreign reception of Japanese literature (1) translators
Fri 12/23: Translation and foreign reception of Japanese literature (2) readers
The postwar era brought international attention to major Japanese writers like Tanizaki Jun'ichirō, Kawabata Yasunari, and Mishima Yukio. This trend has continued today with contemporary writers like writers like Murakami Haruki, Yoshimoto Banana, Ogawa Yōko, and others. What factors help to make writers successful in translation?
Preparation for Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response.
Finalize your plans for your final report OR presentation.
2 時間
Review of Class
See manaba for discussion questions. Submit a response to "Assignments."
Submit your plans for your final report OR presentation.
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
Fri 01/06: Why do we continue to read premodern and early modern Japanese literature?
Tue 01/10: What is interesting about modern and contemporary Japanese literature?
Without translators, Japanese literature of any period would not be known or read widely outside of Japan. But an important role is played by magazine editors and book reviewers, as well as by general readers who pass on recommendations to friends or (in recent years) blog or comment online positively or negatively about works by Japanese writer. We will examine this kind of "reader reception" as we consider what is valuable and interesting about Japanese literature, ancient and modern.
Preparation for Class
See manaba for discussion questions. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Submit a response to the presentations to manaba "Assignments." 目安時間
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Tue 01/17: Student presentations and review discussion.
Fri 01/20: Student presentations and review discussion.
Here are two possible topics relating to modern literature.
(1) Over the last few decades, much Japanese writing has been made available in English either through magazine publication (New Yorker, Monkey Business, Granta, etc.) or in anthologies of short stories. What is the recipe for a successful mix of stories? Can stories stand on their own without introduction or cultural / linguistic explanation?
(2) Contemporary narratives: their themes and techniques.
Student presentations on modern and contemporary narratives. One recommended theme to investigate is the importance of writing by women about women.
Preparation for Class
Look back at writers and works we have covered in this course. What other aspects of Japanese literature would you like to study in the future? Read and think about the questions above. Be ready to participate in the final discussion. Continue working on your final report. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
By January 28 (Saturday) all remaining assignments and reports should be submitted. Those writing a final report should submit 1500-1800 words to manaba. Those who gave a second presentation should submit a 500-word summary. 目安時間
2 時間
Remarks for Class
All texts can be read in English. Many can also be read in Japanese (or modern Japanese translation). Answers must be written in English using the e-learning site. You will need to prepare by doing the set readings BEFORE each class as well as completing any written assignments.
教科書   Texts I will make books available on reserve in the library, but also make some excerpts available to you in other way. Key books include Shirane (2007) Traditional Japanese literature; Shirane (2004) Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900; Rimer and Gessel (2005) The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature, vol. 1: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868–1945; vol. 2: From 1945 to the Present Day; Tyler (2001) The Tale of Genji; Tyler (2012) The Tale of the Heike.
参考書   Reference Books Shirane and Suzuki (2016) The Cambridge history of Japanese Literature.
Rimer (1978) Modern Japanese fiction and its traditions: an introduction
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Active participation and first oral presentations(25%), weekly e-learning assignments (25%), midterm report (25%), final report OR second oral presentation (25%).
関連URL   Related URL http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~pmjs/trans/index.html
備考   Notes You will be expected to READ carefully, DISCUSS actively, and WRITE thoughtfully and clearly.
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2022年02月17日 06時36分08秒