授業コード Course Code |
授業開講年度 Year of Class |
授業形態 Course Mode |
授業名称 Class Name |
KC3026Modern East Asian History
テーマ Theme |
科目名 Name of Subject |
KC3026Modern East Asian History
英字科目名 English Name of Subject |
KC3026Modern East Asian History
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
Basic academic skills
General academic skills
Communication in multiple languages
Ability to analyse Japan's role in a globalizing society
Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
Ability to analyse problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数 Credit |
履修期 Term |
教員氏名 Name of Teacher |
開講キャンパス Campus |
曜時 Day and Period |
月曜4時限(春学期), 月曜5時限(春学期)
授業概要 Course Description |
What does “East Asia” mean? Is East Asia merely a geographical construct? Is it a cultural interconnected unit that has been made up of nations which share roots in a common premodern civilization? Based on these questions, the themes in this course include the evolution of East Asia’s relationship with the Western world; the Chinese-Japanese relationship; transformation and conservatism in cultural identity and social values; and tensions between colonialism, nationalism, and independence.
In this course, we will explore these questions and themes, by studying and tracing the histories of Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan from the 18th Century to the present. It examines the struggles of these four countries to preserve or regain their independence and establish their national identities in a rapidly emerging and often violent modern world order.
Finally, we will conclude the course by considering what “East Asia” has come to mean in the two decades since the years 1987-89, a pivotal turning point in the histories of Japan, South Korea and China as well as for the region at large.
到達目標 Class Goals |
This course aims to provide a survey of the modern history of East Asia as a basis for understanding the broader change and development of the modern world. At the end of the semester students who actively participate in the class should have a broad understanding of East Asian history - key events and ideas - and its engagement with modernity.
Students will also learn to think critically and comparatively about historical events in East Asia, and understand historical themes, causes and effects. I believe it is also important for the students to develop knowledge and an opinion. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and many of these issues re-surface, I aim for the students to leave this course with an ability to effectively communicate and voice opinions in a productive and kind way - on how the past affects the present and how they can play a part in contributing to the betterment of society.
授業言語 Language |
アクティブ・ラーニング Active Learning |
授業計画 Daily Class Schedule
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 1 and 2
Description, explanation of the course, discussion on Group Presentations and Movie Review.
A general discussion of student perceptions of East Asia.
Distribution of Maps
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 3 and 4
Defining “East Asia”: Ontology, Epistemology and Geography. East Asia Before European Hegemony: China at the Center
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 16 and 17.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 5 and 6
Decline of Chinese Hegemony and Encountering the West
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 18 and 19.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 7 and 8
Nationalism, Modernization & Reform in Japan Meiji restoration to the end of Meiji
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 20
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 9 and 10
Japan Builds an Empire
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 22
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 11 and 12
Many Faces of Colonialism: Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 23
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 13 and 14
The Communist Revolution in China
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 25
Video: China, A Century of Revolution: The Mao Years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsh2FHq0tUA
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 15 and 16
Movie Day: We will watch My Way, a South Korean film, directed by Kang Je-gyu.
Discussion of Movie Review and what is expected.
Submission of Research Paper Topic Proposal and Group Presentations
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 17 and 18
The Asia-Pacific War: Contested Histories and the U.S. Occuption of Japan
Fujitani, et al. eds., Perilous Memories, The Asia-Pacific Wars - chapters relevant to Japan, China, or Korea.
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 19 and 20
Japan Re-made and the Partition of Korea
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 29.
Documentary of US Occupation
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 21 and 22
A New Era? Japan, East Asia and the World
Takashi Fujitani, Electronic Pageantry and Japan’s “Symbolic Emperor” in The Journal of Asian Studies 51, no. 4: 824-50.
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin (2009). Chapter 30
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 23 and 24
Country Case Study 1: China Group Presentations
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 25 and 26
Country Case Study 2: Japan Group Presentations
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 27 and 28
Country Case Study 3: Korea (s) Group Presentations
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Class 29 and 30
Country Case Study 4: Taiwan
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are expected to read beforehand the materials required for each class, and they should prepare questions regarding content that they do not understand. All students should be prepared to take notes of classroom discussions. Depending on the class, there may be assigned questions or other materials that should be studied before class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
In addition to reviewing notes for each class, this course requires a final research paper. Students will be expected to do that work simultaneously with the weekly readings. You should devote 4 hrs. per week to review and independent research.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業に関する注意事項 Remarks for Class |
This class is reading and writing intensive. All students should have the language skills required for a third-year course in an American or UK University.
教科書 Texts |
Patricia Ebrey et al., East Asia: A Cultural, Political, and Social History, 3rd ed. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN-13: 978-1133606475 ISBN-10: 9781133606475
参考書 Reference Books |
Supplementary Text books - Haruko Taya & Theodore Cook, Japan At War, An Oral History (1993)
Anita Chan, Richard Madsen, & Jonathan Unger, Chen Village Under Mao and Deng
Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History (New York: W.W. Norton, 2005)
課題フィードバック方法区分 Assignment Feedback Method |
課題フィードバック方法内容 Assignment Feedback Method Content |
成績評価の基準 Evaluation Criteria |
A. Active class participation: 20 % of grade
In order to ensure that students actively do the readings, learning activities for this class are mainly structured around in-class discussions and debates. In every class we will have an open discussion of the material . This is also to encourage critical thinking and to build analytical skills with your peers.
I will also utilize Pop Quizzes - examples include geographic pop quizzes and culture and history quizzes - that cover readings and course content. These can and will be held any time during the class without prior notice. If you do the reading regularly and actively participate in the class lecture and discussion, you should get them right. The quizzes are mainly designed to test whether you did the reading and took time to reflect on questions before coming to the class.
B. Movie Review: 15 %
We will be watching the movie My Way, directed by Kang Je-gyu. You will be required to write a short reort 300-400 words (Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing) assesing the movie.
C. Group presentation: 30% of grade
You will undertake a fun and exciting group assignement - which consists of giving a presentation on deisgnated class dates. This will involve conducting the research, and then making the presentation as a group. Using powerpoint for your presentations is encouraged to present your arguments and findings in class.
Depending on the number of students, each group will consist of five to six students and will be assigned a country case study.
D. Final Research paper: 35% of grade
Each student is required to submit a final research paper.
Consistent citations are required - in the first session I will provide an explanation and guide to choosing and following a particular citation style.
関連URL Related URL |
備考 Notes |
This syllabus is tentative. The final version will be handed out in class, and put on the course's elearning site.
添付ファイルの注意事項 Notice |
更新日時 Date of Update |
2022年09月27日 13時45分36秒