
授業コード   Course Code 2MF3070000
授業開講年度   Year of Class 2019年度
授業形態   Course Mode 講義(対面授業)
授業名称   Class Name KC3034Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
テーマ   Theme
科目名   Name of Subject KC3034Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
English Name of Subject
KC3034Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
知識・理解 Basic academic skills
知識・理解 General academic skills
汎用的技能 Communication in multiple languages
汎用的技能 Ability to analyse Japan's role in a globalizing society
態度・志向性 Leadership
態度・志向性 Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
態度・志向性 Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
統合的な学習経験と創造的思考力 Ability to analyse problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数   Credit 2
履修期   Term 秋学期
教員氏名   Name of Teacher UMER Hamza
開講キャンパス   Campus 横浜
曜時   Day and Period 木曜5時限(秋学期)
授業概要   Course Description Over the last three decades economists have extensively used experiments to test the validity of several economic theories, study the effectiveness of policy tools and to explore distinct aspects of human behavior. If you take this course you will learn about experimental economics and its methodology, and acquire knowledge about most influential and latest advancements in this field. By the end of the course you will also be able to design an economic experiment.
Basic knowledge of microeconomics is essential.
到達目標   Class Goals Students are expected to go through the assigned readings prior coming to the class. The assigned readings along with class discussions shall be helpful in solving the assignments and final presentation preparations.
授業言語   Language 英語
アクティブ・ラーニング   Active Learning アクティブ・ラーニング対応
Daily Class Schedule
【第1回】 授業内容
Introduction to Experimental Economics
•Holt, Charles. Markets, Games, & Strategic Behavior. Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Chapter 1
•Roth, A. E. (1995). Introduction to experimental economics. The handbook of experimental economics, 1, 3-109.
Section 1 & 2 (Page 1 to 23)
•Friedman, S., Friedman, D., & Sunder, S. (1994). Experimental methods: A primer for economists. Cambridge University Press.
Chapters 1-3
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第2回】 授業内容
Early Beginnings of the Field / Market Experiments
•Holt, Charles. Markets, Games, & Strategic Behavior. Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Chapter 2
•Roth, A. E. (1995). Introduction to experimental economics. The handbook of experimental economics, 1, 3-109.
Section 1 & 2 (Page 1 to 23)
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第3回】 授業内容
Expected Utility versus Prospect Theory
•Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1981). The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science, 211(4481), 453-458.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第4回】 授業内容
Single & Double Blind Procedures & Experiments on the Dictator Game
•Eckel, C. C., & Grossman, P. J. (1996). Altruism in anonymous dictator games. Games and economic behavior, 16(2), 181-191.
Eckel, C. C., and P. Grossman (1998): "Are Women Less Selfish Than Men? Evidence from Dictator Games," Economic Journal, 108, 726-735.
•Cadsby, C. B., Servátka, M., & Song, F. (2010). Gender and generosity: does degree of anonymity or group gender composition matter? Experimental economics, 13(3), 299-308.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2.5 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 1 Due: Research Question for Your Experiment
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
2.5 時間
【第5回】 授業内容
Competition and Group Play in the Dictator Game
•Dufwenberg, M., & Muren, A. (2006). Gender composition in teams. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 61(1), 50-54.
•Houser, D., & Schunk, D. (2009). Social environments with competitive pressure: Gender effects in the decisions of German schoolchildren. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(4), 634-641.
•Kamas, L., Preston, A., & Baum, S. (2008). Altruism in individual and joint-giving decisions: What's gender got to do with it? Feminist Economics, 14(3), 23-50.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第6回】 授業内容
Other Regarding Preferences
•Fehr, E., & Schmidt, K. M. (1999). A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation. The quarterly journal of economics, 114(3), 817-868.
•Solnick, S. J. (2001). Gender differences in the ultimatum game. Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 189-200.
•Jensen, K., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2007). Chimpanzees are rational maximizers in an ultimatum game. science, 318(5847), 107-109.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 2: Summary of Relevant Research
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
3 時間
【第7回】 授業内容
In-Group Bias
•Ahmed, A. M. (2007). Group identity, social distance and intergroup bias. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(3), 324-337.
•Ben-Ner, A., McCall, B. P., Stephane, M., & Wang, H. (2009). Identity and in-group/out-group differentiation in work and giving behaviors: Experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 72(1), 153-170.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第8回】 授業内容
Cost of Control & Gender Differences in Competition
•Falk, Armin, and Michael Kosfeld. "The hidden costs of control." American Economic Review 96.5 (2006): 1611-1630.
•Niederle, M., & Vesterlund, L. (2007). Do women shy away from competition? Do men compete too much?. The quarterly journal of economics, 122(3), 1067-1101.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 3: First Draft of Experimental Design
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
2 時間
【第9回】 授業内容
Honesty, Emotions and Productivity
•Oswald, A. J., Proto, E., & Sgroi, D. (2015). Happiness and productivity. Journal of Labor Economics, 33(4), 789-822.
•Gneezy, U. (2005). Deception: The role of consequences. American Economic Review, 95(1), 384-394.
•Fischbacher, U., & Föllmi-Heusi, F. (2013). Lies in disguise—an experimental study on cheating. Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(3), 525-547.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第10回】 授業内容
Public Goods Game: A Social Dilemma
•Fehr, E., & Gachter, S. (2000). Cooperation and punishment in public goods experiments. American Economic Review, 90(4), 980-994.
•Fischbacher, U., & Gachter, S. (2010). Social preferences, beliefs, and the dynamics of free riding in public goods experiments. American economic review, 100(1), 541-56.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 4: Revised and Final Version of Experimental Design
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
2 時間
【第11回】 授業内容
Choice Framing and Behavior
•Brañas-Garza, P. (2007). Promoting helping behavior with framing in dictator games. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(4), 477-486.
•Andreoni, J. (1995). Warm-glow versus cold-prickle: the effects of positive and negative framing on cooperation in experiments. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(1), 1-21.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第12回】 授業内容
Heterogeneity in Preferences
•Henrich, J., Heine, S. J., & Norenzayan, A. (2010). The weirdest people in the world?. Behavioral and brain sciences, 33(2-3), 61-83.
•Falk, A., Becker, A., Dohmen, T., Enke, B., Huffman, D., Sunde, U. (2018). Global evidence on economic preferences. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(4), 1645-1692.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 5: Submission of Experimental Instructions
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
2 時間
【第13回】 授業内容
Experiments on Taxation & Laffer Curve
•Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2003). Taxation and the Veil of Ignorance–A real effort experiment on the Laffer curve. Public Choice, 115(1-2), 217-240.
•Fochmann, M., Weimann, J., Blaufus, K., Hundsdoerfer, J., & Kiesewetter, D. (2013). Net wage illusion in a real‐effort experiment. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(2), 476-484.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
2 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
【第14回】 授業内容
Preferences and Performance of Rich and Poor
•Mani, A., Mullainathan, S., Shafir, E., & Zhao, J. (2013). Poverty impedes cognitive function. science, 341(6149), 976-980.
•Andreoni, J., Nikiforakis, N., & Stoop, J. (2017). Are the rich more selfish than the poor, or do they just have more money? A natural field experiment (No. w23229). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
3 時間
Review of Class
Assignment 6: Submission of Final Version of Instructions
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework.
2 時間
【第15回】 授業内容
Group Presentations
Preparation for Class
The students are expected to read selected chapters from the books and published research papers provided in the course outline. 目安時間
4 時間
Review of Class
Slides will be provided prior to every lecture. Reviewing those slides along with selected papers will be helpful in completing the assigned homework. 目安時間
2 時間
Remarks for Class
Multiple papers will be discussed in every class. Students are expected to read at least one complete paper and participate in the class discussions.
教科書   Texts Texts(Mandatory field) The course will primarily use published articles.
参考書   Reference Books •Holt, Charles. Markets, Games, & Strategic Behavior. Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Chapter 1 & 2
•Roth, A. E. (1995). Introduction to experimental economics. The handbook of experimental economics, 1, 3-109.
Section 1 & 2 (Page 1 to 23)
•Friedman, S., Friedman, D., & Sunder, S. (1994). Experimental methods: A primer for economists. Cambridge University Press.
Chapters 1-3
Assignment Feedback Method
Assignment Feedback Method Content
Evaluation Criteria
Assignments = 60% (There will be six assignments and each assignment will be worth 10% of the grade)
Final Presentation = 40% (Final presentation will be a group presentation. It might be replaced by a final exam if there are not enough students to make groups)
関連URL   Related URL
備考   Notes
添付ファイルの注意事項   Notice
更新日時   Date of  Update 2019年09月12日 12時53分14秒