授業コード Course Code |
授業開講年度 Year of Class |
授業形態 Course Mode |
授業名称 Class Name |
KC3042European Politics and Society
テーマ Theme |
科目名 Name of Subject |
KC3042European Politics and Society
英字科目名 English Name of Subject |
KC3042European Politics and Society
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
Basic academic skills
General academic skills
Communication in multiple languages
Ability to analyse Japan's role in a globalizing society
Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
Ability to analyse problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数 Credit |
履修期 Term |
教員氏名 Name of Teacher |
開講キャンパス Campus |
曜時 Day and Period |
授業概要 Course Description |
This course will give students an in-depth understanding of contemporary European politics and societal issues which have developed throughout the last 30 years.
The course will cover five main areas. Firstly, it will examine the history of Europe – the development of democracy and the nation-state and how modern Europe came to be after the wars of the 20th century. Secondly the course will look at the different political systems which exist within Europe’s democracies. Thirdly it will take a more detailed look at specific countries and their relations with each other in the context of intra-European relations. The course will also compare society in Europe’s different nation states and the relationship between government and civil society, the media and issues such as gender, race and identity. The final three lessons of the course will look at the history of the European Union and contrast its achievements with its present-day challenges including Brexit and the rise of populism, and the role of Europe as a global actor
到達目標 Class Goals |
By the end of this course students will have a broad understanding of the different nation-states of Europe, their politics, forms of governments, societies and political culture.
In addition, students will develop a number of academic skills, including critical thinking, academic essay writing and presentation skills
授業言語 Language |
アクティブ・ラーニング Active Learning |
授業計画 Daily Class Schedule
授業内容 Content/Topic
European Politics and Society: Course introduction
予習内容 Preparation for Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The rise of the nation state: Europe from the colonial era to the 19th century
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Europe at war: Europe during the 20th century
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Political systems and forms of governance in Europe
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The decline of the “mainstream”: Political parties and elections in Europe
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The end of left/right politics?: The rise of populist politics
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Essay writing and research skills
予習内容 Preparation for Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The major powers: Germany, France and the United Kingdom
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
On the periphery: Mediterranean and Scandinavian nations
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Integration and conflict: Eastern Europe
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Citizenship, identity and immigration in Europe
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Race, religion and gender in Europe
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The European Union 1: Origins, ideologies and achievements
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
The European Union 2: The Union under threat
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Europe as a global actor
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Specific reading will be made available online prior to the start of the fall semester
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業に関する注意事項 Remarks for Class |
Students will be expected to have read the core reading for each week’s class and be prepared to discuss relevant themes. As part of the final grade students will be required to give a presentation either individually or as part of a group (see assessment criteria). Students are also encouraged to keep up to date with the news and current affairs and think about how they relate to each week’s theme. The following websites may be of use to students: https://www.euronews.com/european-affairs/european-news www.bbc.co.uk www.cnn.com http://the-japan-news.com/news/politics https://www.reuters.com/politics https://www.theguardian.com/world/europe-news
教科書 Texts |
See core reading list Core reading is mandatory, and students are expected to be prepared to contribute to class by discussing the texts and giving their opinion on relevant theories or contemporary events. The core reading list will be made available to students at the beginning of the course prior to the start of the Fall semester
参考書 Reference Books |
The following resources are optional for students but are excellent introductory texts to European politics and society and will be useful for students to consult both prior to and during the course:
European Politics and Society Journal - https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rpep21 Bale, T, European Politics: An Introduction, 2017 Gallagher, M et al, Representative Government in Modern Europe, 2011 Olson, J & McCormick, J, The European Union: Politics and Policy, 2017
Free online resources: A brief history of Europe: https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Europe The European Values Survey: https://europeanvaluesstudy.eu The Political Party Database (For information on political parties in Europe): https://www.politicalpartydb.org/ A brief history of the European Union: https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en
課題フィードバック方法区分 Assignment Feedback Method |
課題フィードバック方法内容 Assignment Feedback Method Content |
成績評価の基準 Evaluation Criteria |
The final grade for this module will be based on three criteria: •Lecture participation and attendance (30%) •One 1500-2000 word essay (40%) •One presentation made to the class (30%)
N.B Details for essays and class presentations will be set out in Lesson 1
関連URL Related URL |
備考 Notes |
添付ファイルの注意事項 Notice |
更新日時 Date of Update |
2019年03月18日 10時53分06秒