授業コード Course Code |
授業開講年度 Year of Class |
授業形態 Course Mode |
授業名称 Class Name |
KC3037Special Topics in Economics
テーマ Theme |
科目名 Name of Subject |
KC3037Special Topics in Economics
英字科目名 English Name of Subject |
KC3037Special Topics in Economics
Ability to be Acquired in This Class
Basic academic skills
General academic skills
Communication in multiple languages
Ability to analyze Japan's role in a globalizing society
Humanity capable of forging transcultural human relations
Ability to use language skills to engage in group projects
Ability to analyze problems that arise in global society and search for solutions to them
科目単位数 Credit |
履修期 Term |
教員氏名 Name of Teacher |
井手上 和代
開講キャンパス Campus |
曜時 Day and Period |
授業概要 Course Description |
In this course, students will learn basic knowledge of development economics as well as a wide range of topics relevant to development. The topics cover development issues in developing countries such as poverty, basic education, finance, FDI, foreign aid, and so on (see the course schedule). Moreover, students will learn about the experience of economic development in East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Classes will center around lectures and manaba or email will be used for in-class questions. The students will be required to give a group presentation in the class, so the class will consist of group presentations and discussions as well as lectures.
到達目標 Class Goals |
Students will be able to enhance awareness of development issues in developing countries.
授業言語 Language |
アクティブ・ラーニング Active Learning |
授業計画 Daily Class Schedule
授業内容 Content/Topic
Course guidance (What is Development Studies? Course aims, course objectives, grading policies)
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Check the syllabus of this course.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Review the topics to be covered in the next class by referring to the textbook.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
What is Development? (The concepts of development, income classification, human development, Amartya Sen's capability approach)
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Poverty, Inequality, and Development (Measure levels of poverty with using different indicators; GDP, GNI, HDI, Gender Gap, etc., describe the characteristics of countries at different levels, income inequality, Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve)
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Development in Africa, the case of Mauritius + Presentation "Case Study 1"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Population Growth and Development + Presentation "Case Study 2"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration + Presentation "Case Study 3"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Human Development + Presentation "Case Study 4"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Agricultural Transformation, Rural Development, and Development in East Asia + Presentation "Case Study 5"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Industrial Development, and the Role of Market, State + Presentation "Case Study 6"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
International Flow of Financial Resources (International trade, FDI, remittances, technology transfer, labor- and capital-intensive industry, Export Processing Zones)+Presentation "Case Study 7"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Financial Development (Credit constraint, informational asymmetry, uncertainty, enforcement, adverse selection, Grameen Bank, microfinance, M-Pesa)+ Presentation "Case Study 8"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Aid and Development + Presentation "Case Study 9"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
Environment and Development+ Presentation "Case Study 10"
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
"Case Study 11~15" + watching a movie "Poverty, Inc."
予習内容 Preparation for Class
Preparation for presentation
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Check the textbook and reference books for the points discussed in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業内容 Content/Topic
"Case Study 11~15" + watching a movie "Poverty, Inc." + Wrap-up
予習内容 Preparation for Class
All students are required to read the textbook and understand the contents. If assigned to present a topic from the textbook, prepare a resume and distribute it in the class.
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
復習内容 Review of Class
Not applicable
目安時間 Hours
2 時間
授業に関する注意事項 Remarks for Class |
The class schedule may change slightly depending on the number of students. If a presentation is assigned, please prepare a resume and distribute it in class.
教科書 Texts |
***Class will be based on topics from this textbook***
Todaro, Michael, and Stephen Smith (2020) Economic Development, Pearson.
参考書 Reference Books |
Jefferson, Philip N. (2018) Development: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press. Summer, Andy, and Michael Tribe (2008) International Development Studies, SAGE.
Other reference books will be given in class.
課題フィードバック方法区分 Assignment Feedback Method |
課題フィードバック方法内容 Assignment Feedback Method Content |
成績評価の基準 Evaluation Criteria |
1. Class participation 30% 2. Presentation 30% 3. Term paper 40%
関連URL Related URL |
備考 Notes |
添付ファイルの注意事項 Notice |
更新日時 Date of Update |
2022年09月27日 13時45分36秒